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Shannon, Angie and Johnnie Cochran walk straight into rock's office without an appointment or warning. They walk up to Renee and Angie hands Renee her contract. ROC: Let me guess you want a pay raise? AE: Nope, something a little better, I want a match on PPV. ROC: Um... ok but you have talk to Lucy about that. |
AE: No this involves you, I want a tag team match. ROC: That’s fine as long as your partner ain't the bitch behind you. AE: Just because he took up the ass from OJ don’t make him a bitch… Oh wait you meant Shannon. Well you see she IS my tag-team partner. ROC: SHE IS NOT NOR WILL SHE EVER BE IN THIS LEAGUE! AE: Look at the contract under Partnerships section 2 paragraph 3 line 7. It reads <i>The recipient of this contract may choose a partner from the pool of available people.</i> JC: And Ms Everhart as the recipient of this contract chooses Shannon Elizabeth, as her partner, from the pool of available people known as, America. ROC: I can't believe this. AE: Told you that you would be in. JC: On a future note, MS O’connor I would word your contracts a little more specifically. ROC: Fine she’s in too, but guess what? I am not paying her! JC: Well MS. Everhart and MS. Elizabeth she has you there. You are in the league but she doesn't have to pay Ms. Elizabeth. SE:OOOOO no, you mean I don't get to make the crappy 5grand a show you give your wrestlers. I am so crushed. ROC: You will follow my rules. I don't care if you find a clause that says your god you will follow my rules. AE: Mr. Cochran, you are worth your weight in gold. I am glad our good friend O.J. recommended you. JC: Thank you. You two have been a pleasure to represent.
ROC: You may have won the battle but you definitely haven't won the
war. Angie, Shannon, and Johnny walk out of ROC's office laughing as the
leave. As they leave ROC mumbles something about killing Ted for writing
those contracts.